The eclectic theme of the show continues, as Tom selects a semi-controversial track from the past to play acoustically on Instagram. He's taken a song that has been divisive in the past and added a brand new third take, just to keep things interesting. The Sting has baggage. It was originally a song that was attempted by Editors 1 when Chris was still their guitarist, and oh my goodness it was dark. It had a creeping electronic menace to it, and the lyrics may well have been a reflection of its author's state of mind at the time...or not (I've never met Tom so this is pure speculation). It was played live, most notably on at the band's Teenage Cancer Trust show which was when? Well, this is where things get weird. It was on the 26th March 2011. Yes, exactly a decade to the day later, Tom chose this song as the latest entry in his acoustic gig that's lasting all month. If you'd like to listen to that older version use this link.
The track went on to become a prisoner of the abandoned Flood sessions, and was later re-recorded in a new form and without the more obvious footprints of Editors' former guitarist on it. Now, we have a brand new take for consideration that will offer a respite to those hardcore fans who either down hard on one side of the fence in terms of their listening preferences (most of us will have our favourite rendition).
The track went on to become a prisoner of the abandoned Flood sessions, and was later re-recorded in a new form and without the more obvious footprints of Editors' former guitarist on it. Now, we have a brand new take for consideration that will offer a respite to those hardcore fans who either down hard on one side of the fence in terms of their listening preferences (most of us will have our favourite rendition).
Enjoy the music ;)
video -stream it here
MP3 - download here
Other Entries on the "Slow Motion Soundtrack" *
avoid any confusion, (or a potential lawsuit), please note that Slow
Motion Soundtrack is not an official Editors title. Pure artistic
license on my part, no royalties have been demanded or exchanged.
brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love :) x