Wednesday, 28 September 2022

Tom interviewed for Radio Horizonte 24th September 2022

Here's a great interview with Tom by Fernanda Hein for Radio Horizonte, 24th September 2022. This works solely because of Fernanda's ability to put a question out there and then just allow the answer to manifest itself, without stepping on the conversation and forcing it off topic. Tactically, it's a great strategy. It's been said before but most people in interactions really are just waiting for their opportunity to talk. You can witness the benefits to this more mindful approach to interviewing when she asks the very simple question:-

"Is there something that you learned in the beginning that stuck with you, maybe some advice you received?"

With the right amount of room, a very unexpected answer emerges. Especially when you consider the historically tepid attitude Tom's had to that group he mentions.

There's further evidence here of Tom being perfectly comfortable with citing his sources, sort of speak. It wasn't always so. Throughout their tenure, and usually in press situations, Editors have had a collection of bands attached to them as potential influences. Usually in a pejorative way, and we all know who they are by now. There have occasionally been situations that have elicited withering looks and jaw clenching whenever these names are thrown the band's way, almost like accusations from an interviewer. It's as if there was always a game being played where the goal was to force a member of the group to admit they've heard of "Group A" or "Group B", and then you would get your "Ah-haaaaaaaaaa!" revelation. Editors were clearly just ripping off (insert band name here)! We were right all along!!

I remember around the time of The Weight of Your Love that something changed. A more pervasive attitude of "I know what I like, and it doesn't bother me if I tell you" came along. It means that in this chat, he's able to say outright that the Violator album by Depeche Mode was a huge influence on In This Light and on This Evening. That kind of candid honesty was in short supply when the band used to have a more combatative relationship with the press. No more can a journalist reliably make the claim that Editors secretly like Depeche Mode's no longer a secret. Any potential insult is immediately defused of its potency. Again, that little bit of information only came about because Fernanda asked the right question and sat back to wait for the response. Good stuff.
I hope that she and all the other fans of the band in Chile get their wish, enjoy the chatter ;)
brought to you with lots of lemming-love ;) x