Thursday, 29 September 2022

Willy Radio Interview with Tom, Ben and Elliott 23rd September 2022


This is Willy Radio doing a special on Editors and the new album EBM, 23rd September 2022 featuring chat from Tom, Elliott and Ben. It comes courtesy of The Archive's #1 contributor/conspirator, Hannah. Thanks again, H.
As part of the show, they played songs from that record, as well as others from different artists. However, to maintain the illusion that I'm something more than a filthy bootlegger and curator of ilicit material, they've been removed in the interest of not ripping off the band. The air sure is thin up here on the moral high ground, let me tell you. 
As with most of the interviews you'll hear around these parts, it deals with the assembly of EBM and the circumstances that birthed it. It also includes references to the major influences on its sound, and the interview ends with Ben, Tom and Elliott giving their favourite rock songs as a contribution to Willy Radio's "1000 greatest rock tracks" list. You'll notice that Elliott's choice is not present in the audio vesion, but I do have a litle bit of bonus material featuring video of all three Editors giving their pick as well. You can watch that using the link down below. Here's what they selected:- 
Elliott - "Pictures of You" by The Cure 
Blanck Mass - "Bad Year" by Iron Monkey 
 It's a measure of my enduring immaturity that every time I hear an ident for the station by them saying "Willy!" as forcefull as they do, I chuckle like an imbecile. Words can mean different things in different regions of this crazy world of ours, folks, and I can only apologise for my lack of social decorum. Enjoy the words ;) 
Bonus Material
brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love ) x