Saturday, 3 September 2022

Editors Instagram - August 2022

August oddness. Ed was the victim of a catfishing incident where someone pretended to be him on social media this month, while the very real Mr Smith took time to impolitely tell a commentor on his Instagram to lower the volume of his opinions to a level below "mute". Stay off the internets, kids. Strange things go down there.
Elliott gave an interview to Radio Mexiquense on the 2nd, and it was full of little revelations that simultaneously informed and resolved some unanswered questions dating back to December of 2020. 

The trailer for the official promo of Kiss appeared on the 9th, with the full video following a day later on the 10th. This one was shot by the brothers Lockey (aka Hand Held Cine Club), which suggests that Editors really are becoming their own cottage industry. It's rare for a band of their size to exercise so much control over all the various aspects of their music. They have positioned themselves to be able to write, record, self-produce and make their own videos now. As well as the quality control that affords, and accountability should it all go south, this means they have one thing that most artists crave; options.
Side note: I can hear a straight line across the last 17 years to The Back Room and Camera when I hear that intro to Kiss. I wonder if that was intentional?
The initial comments section for Kiss was an absolute tram smash. Primarily it was positivity, with some bigotry, self-satisfied religious smugness and the classic "I used to love Editors but..." statements. It seems to have been cleaned up a little by whoever moderates it, but it got a little sloppy there. Something that's always baffled me is why you would take the time to tell a band that you don't like their music, rather than just going and listening to something else? I mean, what's the end goal here? That they'll take your criticism on board and scrap the album in favour of a re-record under your careful guidance? It's probably unlikely. Not impossible, but distinctly improbable. People outgrow bands, or they just don't enjoy whatever direction they decided to take and that's OK. There are no obligations or legally binding contracts forcing anyone to stick around. 
Personally, I stopped liking Editors after they released those 500 limited edition copies of Bullets as their first single. Ever since then it's been one long routine of grudgingly purchasing the music, staying up past both my and your bed-time to record live shows, and forcing myself to run a fan site for them. Always with a terrible, heavy frown that could have been frozen in place by botox injections but is in fact a condition called "lower jaw goth paralysis". It may or may not have been caused by a physical reaction to years of exposure to Editors sorrowful music, but I can't really talk about it. Lawsuits are pending.
Back in 2005 we already had a reduced quality recording of the Snowfied Demos and that should have been more than enough. Truth be told, they should have split when they were Pilot and certainly before they changed their name to Editors. Then they could have gone back to working in call centres or shoe shops and none of the last 17 miserable years would have ever happened. Alas, we can only reminisce for a possible future that never came to pass. We're here now, and there's not much else going on so let's continue.

(pauses to wipe tears off keyboard)

Editors played Hear Hear Festival on the 14th, and you can check it out here

The month ended in a typically weird Editors kinda way with Vibe being released as their new single, firstly in New Zealand via YouTube then the rest of the world shortly after. There was little to no promotion for this, it just seemed to have fallen out of the back of the EBM truck as it sped towards its 23rd of September destination. Unlike the first three singles, there was no accompanying film for this one. What we did learn is that this is the final single to be taken from the new album.

My next entry in the Editors Instagram series will include all the hype materials surrounding the release of EBM. From what I've heard so far, I'm really looking forward to this record arriving through the letter box. Can't wait!

(pauses to wipe more tears off keyboard)

Editors Instagram - August 2022 

For all of Editors' previous Instagram posts, go here.
brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love :) x