Thursday, 10 February 2022

Tom interviewed by 3FM - September 2021


Found by the ever present Editors radar that is Hannah (thanks again, H), this is 3FM's interview with Tom from late last year gathering his reactions to Editors turning 20. As well as his thoughts about the present state of the band, there's also some reminiscing about the past, something which he's historically not been that enthusiastic about doing. As much as they appeared to be a band that would burn loudly and brightly for a very short period of time, certainly when they started, I suspect that longevity was always the goal.

This video mentions a couple of very significant events in Editors' history, both of which you can view here at the Archive 

Also, 3FM have put together some great events in the past involving the band over the years, here's just a few for those who are interested:-
Enjoy the music ;)

brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love ;) x