Wednesday 7 March 2018

Radio City Talk Interview with Ed 7th March 2018

Every once in a while the band step outside of the traditional confines of pop music promotion, and this is one of those occasions. Ed drops in via the telephone wires to chat with Matt Jones on Liverpool's sport-themed Radio City Talk to discuss Editors' new album VI OLENCE. This was clearly recorded about 4 days earlier than its date of broadcast, because he mentions the fact that the will be playing Birmingham Town Hall soon. If you're as hopelessly lost in the forest of gloom, picking up absolutely every dark flower related to this band then you probably know about all the topics covered here. However, if you're in the mood for some self-reflection of perhaps a reminder of your own mortality, Ed muses on the fact that the band are all older now and how that effects the way they tour, for example. It also means that they will no longer be doing some of the things on stage that have resulted in "unpleasantness" in the past. Enjoy the chatter ;)

brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love :) x