Wednesday 7 February 2018

NME Song Stories - Munich 7th Feb 2018

Well this is a curve ball. I was expecting/hoping for more of these NME song story videos to be about the new album, and yet here we are with one all about Munich from The Back Room. This video is concerned with the writing and recording of that song, and there's something very touching about it; hearing Tom talking about his old band-mate and acknowledging his contribution. It's telling that it's taken a good 6 years to reach this point, after having to regularly (and probably reluctantly) explain why the relationship dissolved during successive promotional campaigns for E4 and E5. Now, possibly with the benefit of some distance from the hurricane of the events of 2012 and the dark times leading up to it, Tom seems able to be both gracious and open about Chris and his input as an Editor. I hope he's been able to find some kind of peace about all of this after the years of being constantly under media scrutiny and digging for the motives and mechanics of the split. Likewise for Chris, for whom I wish nothing but good things.

We learn some very interesting facts in the clip, including that the chorus to Munich is based upon Mr Smith feeling hungover. Who knew? Enjoy the chatter  ;)

stream it here

And you can view the song story for Magazine here.

brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love :) x