Friday 16 February 2018

Justin Interviewed by Kyle Meredith on 91.9 WFPK 14th Feb 2018

The delegation of the promotional duties for E6 finds Justin drawing the shortest straw, as he was interviewed by Kyle Meredith on Louisville's 91.9 WFPK earlier this week. The chatter covers the usual topics that you'd find in the media campaign, such as where did the title VI OLENCE come from and the stories behind the music etc. However, it does venture into some more serious territory when the subject of refugees and politics comes up. There's an interesting balance struck between the two because Justin is clearly an intelligent man with opinions and an understanding of history. I really enjoy hearing him talk about things, and if each individual band member were to be viewed as representing a part of the band's collective psyche, Justin could very well be Editors' conscience. 

One thing I picked up on here is something that is subtle, but very meaningful and I trust that it wasn't lost here. Kyle asks:-

"You guys have written dark music for your entire career."

That one question implies something that's been a long time coming. There was a time back in 2012 and probably up until the present day in some people's minds that both Justin and Elliott were "The guys that replaced Chris". Two satellites that were orbiting Editors but always with that outsider tag pinned to them, with the understanding that the band at its core was always Tom, Russell and Ed. With that one question, however, this could be the first indicator that there's finally been a shift in perspective, and that both Elliott and Justin are now seen as being fully integrated into the architecture of Editors. It isn't those 3  and the other 2 any more, and I only have one opinion on that.

It's about time. 

They have both contributed and shaped the way Editors sound right now and credit is long overdue in some quarters. I also believe that 2018 will see more significant changes as it goes along. If the NME are no longer viewed as the enemy (see what I did there?), and the group really are no longer viewed as a new band as they were in 2012, imagine what other milestones and  amazing moments could happen? It's pretty exciting. 

This interview does have some revelations for you; for example did you know that Robert Smith was in the works for contributing to the first Minor Victories record? That he was in regular contact with Justin? That's literally one degree of separation between Editors and The Cure. Let that settle in your synapses for a second. Only one degree. 

Also, there are two version of The Pulse, and the new recording of No Sound But The Wind is the last and final word on that particular subject. That's not to say that the take on VI OLENCE will be the one you hear when you see the band live (Nothing, anybody?). Enjoy the chat ;)

brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love :) x