Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Werchter July 5th 2008 (audio/video)

Time to revisit an Editors show from over a decade ago in 2008. Werchter, for whatever reason, is a place that understands this band. They've played there a lot and every time there seems to be this weird, almost mystical energy that both the group and the audience are able to tap into and share back and forth. And yes, I'm aware of how utterly corny that sounds, but it does always seems to be special when Editors perform at Werchter.

The concert was captured from the audience and shared by Inconnu, and the files are being posted here in their original FLAC format as per the taper's wishes. Thank you very much for your work, it's appreciated.

If you compare this occasion with the recent 4 song Primo Maggio set on the 1st May 2017, you can really sense the difference that more time with a crowd can make. Both of the shows featured some rainy intervention courtesy of the inclement European weather, but by the end of the Werchter set the crowd are soaked but still enthusiastically on board. At Primo Maggio, there just didn't seem to be enough time to win them over, which was no fault of either party. 

The set contains that full-band version of No Sound But The Wind, and a superb live take of Smokers. Not only does this one have some fabulous crowd-baiting from Mr Smith, but it also has a false ending. You think they're done playing and then Ed counts them all back in for a 35 second freak-out. Watch the video below in the Bonus Materials section and check out Tom's facial expression at around 5 minutes and 30 seconds. I always imagine that plectrum he throws ending up embedded in the forehead of some poor cat several rows back due to the the force and the intent behind it. Of course, the question then becomes that if it was a hardcore fan that received the projectile into their cranium, would they ever wash it or even remove it at all? Maybe it would be kept and displayed it as a badge of honour, a badge that would probably end up infected and oozing all kinds of nasty unpleasantness after a short while, but still a symbol of a great show. Werchter 2008? Oh yeah, I was there! And this weird green lump in the middle of my head with a guitar pick sticking out of it is my proof! Enjoy the music ;)

The Setlist
Bones - download here
Racing Rats - download here
An End Has a Start - download here
Escape the Nest - download here
All Sparks - download here
NSBTW - download here
Blood - download here
Bullets - download here
You Are Fading - download here
Munich - download here
WOTW - download here
Fingers - download here
Smokers  - download here

All in a zip - download here
Bonus Materials - Smokers / Interviews
There's not a lot of good quality footage from this show, but there is an HD video of Smokers and an interview with Tom and Russell. It comes to us courtesy of friend to the Archive, Pawel. Thank you sir, much appreciated.

stream it here
The second interview is with Mr Urbanowicz and Mr Lay and what it lacks in quality is made up for the reveal right at the beginning. We learn that Chris interacted directly with the crowd from the stage during a gig the night before in Poland. This kind of thing is super-rare, given his enigmatically silent nature when they play. During Smokers, for instance, you'll see that the other 3 Editors all assume vocal duties while Chris does not. I have a video of him chatting with the crowd and taking requests from the front row during a very small club show back in 2005, but there's not been a lot since.

So the next burning question is, do I have the Polish gig where all this went down and can you listen to it? "Yes" and "Oh yes, again". Click here

And to view the interview backstage at Werchter 2008:-

stream it here

brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love :) x