Sunday, 16 April 2017

Mr Smith - "A piece of my mind" The Guardian June 2008

click on the thumbnail for the bigger picture

Take a peek into the mind of your favourite front-man in this interview from the Guardian newspaper with Jamie Lafferty in June of 2008. Normally these things are sneakily geared towards delving into the psyche of the interviewee and hopefully revealing a juicy morsel or two that's fit to print and titillate. However, given that we're dealing with a cat that's consistently proven to be fiercely protective of his privacy, you shouldn't expect any bombshell revelations. That doesn't mean that what he shares isn't interesting, especially in relation to the origin of the Back Room cover art. I've reproduced the text below for anyone who's having trouble reading the above photo properly, enjoy the words ;)


I spend my Sunday mornings pottering around, reading the papers with a cup of tea. I sometimes cook a boiled egg too - there's a technique to it. I'm pretty good at it these days. but I wouldn't say I've mastered it just yet.

I had a recurring dream when l was a kid. It's hard to describe other than it was fuzzy and noisy. When we were having meetings about the front cover of the new record. I saw artwork by ldris Khan that reminded me of the dream and we ended up using it.

I can take things a little too seriously. I sometimes get wound up about things when they maybe aren't that important. I like to think I'm an OK person though - I'm fairly presentable to a new girlfriend's parents.

Both my parents taught at the school I went to. The first half of secondary was hard because I was always "the teachers' son". Other kids respected me, though, maybe out of fear.

I worked for a year in a factory that did injection-moulding plastics. Where I grew up there are a lot of industrial estates in the valleys, and I did it to pay for Friday nights.

I've really got into Peter Gabriel. I don't think that's a guilty pleasure - he's almost cool. The record "So" is unbelievable. I listen to it a lot.

On tour you don't get to see much telly. but I've had a healthy diet of Grand Designs recently. Peep Show too. I laugh so hard at it sometimes l think I do myself damage.

I can do that thing where you hold your ears shut and get a stream of air from your tear duct. Some people drink milk and squeeze it out the same way. but I won't let myself have a go at that.

Cormac McCarthy's "The Road" left a lasting impression on me. The book is very dark and examines a father-son relationship in very extreme circumstances, but when I read it I'd just found out that l was going to be a dad myself, so it lingered even longer.

People who have a lack of tolerance for people different to themselves piss me off greatly. It sounds like a basic thing, but it's remarkable how much hate people harbour towards others just for being different.

My acoustic guitar is my most treasured possession. I've had it about four years and all the Editors songs we've ever made have come from it. I'd be upset if something happened to it.

The first record I requested from my dad was Status Quo's Greatest Hits. Remember those music clubs that advertised in the back of the Radio Times? They offered five records for 50p or something. then they had you signed up for life. He got me it through that...he's probably still paying for it.

My Granddad was a massive Arsenal fan. He left me a load of club memorabilia and I used to go to Highbury a lot. Growing up in Gloucestershire there weren't many decent teams. although Forest Green Rovers did make it on to the telly twice.

Recently R.E.M. covered our song Munich. I grew up with pictures of them on my wall. they're one of the bands that shaped the way I listen to music. Hearing them singing a song we'd written was pretty major stuff; we all sat around the dressing room saying: 'Wow, we didn't expect that".

Editors play the Rock Ness Main Stage next Sunday.

Interview by Jamie Lafferty

brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love :) x