Sunday 15 May 2016

Snapshots from Sputnik Spring Break 23rd May 2010

This is a highlights collection of Editors making noise at Sputnik's Spring Break Festival during May of 2010, in Pouch Germany. It's a mixture of music and interview, with 4 tracks broadcast in total. They were:-

Racing Rats

You'll notice that the bass is turned up nice and loud at this show, but Mr Urbanowicz seems to be playing under a big heavy duvet in a locked, soundproofed room at a different venue at times (see the beginning of Bullets as an example). 

The interview contains the original language introduction and questions for all you fabulous fans over there in Germany, as well as subtitles for Mr Smith and King Leetch's answers. There's a lovely moment where Russell gives some advice to new bands. It sounds like a really motivating, positive speech before he throws in some seeds of doubt to take the shine off any dreams they may have had. 

Russell Leetch. Editors' sense of humour/bass player. Enjoy ;)

brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love :) x