Wednesday 11 November 2015

Nic Harcourt talks Editors 13th October 2015

Stopping by as a guest on KPCC's "Tuesday Reviewsday" show 13th October 2015, Nic Harcourt briefly talks about E5 and two tracks from it. The band have worked with Nic in the past as part of his Morning Becomes Eclectic sessions both 2006 and 2007. I just checked my calendar as part of the research for this post and I confirmed my suspicions that the year is currently 2015, which makes it completely baffling to me why we're still mentioning Editors in the same breath has Joy Division. Wayyyyyyy back in the day it was a good maybe as a reference point, to get a feel for the kind of stuff they were doing, but now? Jeez. It's the Curtis-curse of any singer in an alternative band that happens to be baritone.

Anywho, you can listen to the whole thing in the time it takes to boil a kettle and make a strong cup of tea. Enjoy ;)

brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love :) x