Friday 24 July 2015

Happy Anniversary to The Back Room

It was 10 years ago today that the adventure we currently find ourselves on as Editors fans began, as it marks the anniversary of the release of The Back Room on Kitchenware Records, July 25th 2005. How quickly time passes! Congratulations to the band and everyone at Team Editors. 

This is Mr Lay's take on the event, as posted on Editors' Facebook page:-

"Looking back 10 years from the release of The Back Room stirs up many feelings, but mostly a sense of achievement. We crammed so much stuff into our days and weeks. On top of writing material, we were regularly travelling around playing shows and taking meetings, trying to make decisions on things about the record we had no real experience in. It was hectic, but it felt like we had freedom and momentum was building. Positive things were happening to us on a daily basis. Before we knew it the album was recorded and we had created our first real identity, from the tone of the music, the artwork and the way we approached playing live. It's an album that many of you connected with and it's a thrill to still be making new music for you ten years on."

brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love :) x