Everyone's favourite drum and bass section, Russell and Ed, turned up as guests on Talksport one afternoon in January 2014 on the Hawksbee and Jacobs show. I'm going to warn you way ahead of time that this post will be another test of your fan-hood. If you're an Editors fan then the first part of the broadcast is definitely the one for you. It's a general interview containing chat about the band. As for the second half...
This being a sports show, there's a segment where the hosts and their invited guests, along with input from the public via telephone, are invited to predict the results of upcoming football matches. As such, that's pretty much all you hear from Ed and Russell in the latter half. I know that there's a lot of fellow fanboys/fangirls visiting the Archive who are way too far into this thing to care what context they're listening to the band under, but if you fall into the "rationally minded" category of fan then anything after the 7 minute 35 mark is probably not for you. You have been warned, you lovely people ;)
stream it hereThis being a sports show, there's a segment where the hosts and their invited guests, along with input from the public via telephone, are invited to predict the results of upcoming football matches. As such, that's pretty much all you hear from Ed and Russell in the latter half. I know that there's a lot of fellow fanboys/fangirls visiting the Archive who are way too far into this thing to care what context they're listening to the band under, but if you fall into the "rationally minded" category of fan then anything after the 7 minute 35 mark is probably not for you. You have been warned, you lovely people ;)
brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love :) x