Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Sol Musica 2013 - Interview with Tom and Russell

Here's an interview with Mr Smith and Mr Leetch courtesy of Sol Musica. I don't have an exact date for this, but I'm guessing it was mid to late 2013. This was a stressful time for the band because they were constantly having to explain what happened with Chris, as well as going about the business of moving ahead with a brand new lineup. Therefore most of the dialogue here is concerned with those topics but there are lots of facts that may not have been revealed elsewhere in other interviews.

Test your level of fanhood by gauging exactly how much your heart simultaneously flutters and then breaks when the subject of the E4 session with Chris and Flood comes up. If you feel nothing at all, you are either very new to this band or you just don't have a soul. Whatever the case, I'm still glad you're here ;)

brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love :) x