Tuesday 20 August 2013

Virgin Radio Italy 2013 (audio/video)

Up next, an acoustic performance of Nothing and an interview with Tom, Russell and Justin from Virgin Radio Italy. I don't have an exact date for the performance but using the "Tom's Hair Scale", and him not sporting a buzz-cut during it, it suggests that it was possibly June/July 2013? There's some bonus weirdness as you'll notice the slightly forlorn figure of King Leetch during Nothing. He's able to participate in the interview afterwards, but before that it looks like someone has stolen his keyboard. Either that or he was in the grip of a massive sulk and refused to take part, so the band made him sit on the "naughty stool".

In terms of the interview questions it's all fluff stuff but there is a brief suggestion of Black Eyed Peas' Will I Am as a producer of an Editors record. I wonder if you can guess their unanimous answer, that seems to take mere microseconds to come up with?

There's actually another visit to Virgin Radio Italy available to watch here at the Archive, only this time it was Mr Smith and Mr Urbanowicz back in 2009. It has a certain notoriety because it features a surprising confession from Chris. You can watch it by using this link. Enjoy the music ;)

Nothing/Interview (video)
stream here 

Nothing (mp3)
download here

Editors Italy - Visit Them Here

brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love :) x