With Christmas 2024 over and done with, all returning rational thought and energy should now be devoted to making 2025 memorable. The major concern, certainly if you're an Editors fan, is just how are the band going to play into those plans?
We know Ed indicated in one interview last year, and it's a claim that hasn't been repeated anywhere else since, that Tom may be going to try some solo stuff in 2025. Coincidentally, we know that Tom has definitely been recording with Iain Archer, but not in what capacity. Elliott posted on his Instagram profile on the very first day of this year indicating that he is putting his energies back into his Elliott Lion alter-ego this year, and will be creating as well as doing Dj slots. In addition to running a record label, Justin is probably involved in approximately 200 other projects that we don't know about and regularly posting photographs of his adventures. Blanck Mass is still sound-tracking and putting out his own stuff.
Taken in combination, this would all seem to indicate a very quiet year ahead for anyone expecting new material from Editors. 365 days is, of course, a long time and plans can change and evolve in rapid time. Remember, it was only 2 years ago that Russell claimed the band were heading back to Mexico in the very near future, only it never panned out. So it's a tricky thing to try and predict the future with Editors. Hanging over all of this is the fact that the majority of the musicians within that merry band have families, and as we know domesticity can be the undoing of rock and roll. Not always, but sometimes.
The TL:DR version of the above is we just don't know what the impending calendar year will bring.
Amid all the noise and uncertainty that the end of December brought, there was a brief adrenaline shot of happiness courtesy of an old friend posting randomly on X. He may not be an Editor any more, but it's still comforting to know he's out there somewhere. Happy New Year, Mr Urbanowicz.
Below you'll find the complete collection of all Editors Instagram postings from 2024, as well as a single link for December. I hope that 2025 turns out to be something special for you all.
Editors Instagram - December 2024
download hereEditors Instagram - Complete 2024 Collection
download hereFor all of Editors' previous Instagram posts, go here.
brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love :) x