Monday 31 October 2022

Tom Interviewed on Studio Brussel 26th October 2022

There are some facts you need to know before you watch this video, as it will answer the most obvious question you have. First up, it's time for a tenuous link. Editors have a song called Frankenstein, as you know. Well, the clip being presented here is very similar in origin to the creation of that particular maniacal scientist. The back story is best summarized like this.

Hannah is in line waiting to go see the band play their final date of the October tour at the Vorst National in Belgium, 26th October 2022. She gets word out of nowhere that Tom is going to be on Studio Brussel, it's happening live and starting...right away. Now, if we had access to that mythical, sacred list of press engagements that only those on Team Editors have this would of course not have happened but that's another complaint for another day. This, is officially a surprising situation.

Hannah's fan instincts kick in and she begins recording on her phone and captures about two minutes of audio. Then, realising that she's going to run out of memory soon, she chooses an appropriate moment and switches to a different phone and begins recording the live video feed instead. She gets that but it's in two parts. So what we end up with is two videos and an mp3 of Tom's appearance on StuBru. The question is can we make something out of this so that you, the lovely people who hang out at the Archive and also at the band's forum, have a chance to see what you would have otherwise missed?

Yes. But...

Obviously this is a raggedy little piece of memorabilia, given that it begins as audio only and then becomes the video shortly afterwards. Look past that and it's still a fun thing to watch. The premise, as I understand it, was that Studio Brussel were doing a week-long feature on the years 2000 - 2010 and Tom was a part of the day focused on 2007. This was, of course, a massive year for the band as it saw the release of their second album An End Has a Start. The late night AmericanTV that's brought up was the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, and as well as having Hugh Laurie in attendance it also contains footage of Ed being trapped behind his kit and unable to return a handshake from the man. It's blocked on YouTube but you can download a copy from the Archive using this link.

Enjoy the chatter, it wasn't easy getting it to you! Thanks again, H.
stream it here

brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love ) x