Here's Russell's appearance on Ruido Blanco, 20th September 2022. This chat happened on the same day that a very lucky group of fans got the chance to hang out with the band in a Bristol rehearsal room, to hear songs from the new album being played live by the 6 piece version of Editors for the first time. Fun times.
Wow! They sure do play some fine tunes on this station. You all know how this normally goes; I sit for the best part of an hour (or two) listening to utter dross to get to the good stuff. Not today. Call it serendipity, but they played songs by Echo and the Bunnymen and The Cure in the time before they chatted to King Leetch. Not just any old Cure song either, oh no. They played Disintegration, from the album of the same name, and all the way through to the sounds of smashing glass as it closes. This is something that would never happen here in the UK, so I took this as a very positive sign of what was to come next. We were clearly in safe hands.
There's also a translation of the questions and answers into Spanish by the host for all you Editors fans that speak the language. Andii Move, thank you. I hope your listeners know how lucky they are.
I totally screwed up the time difference when I was recorded the broadcast. I saw the show was between 09.00 and 11.00 and I was still in my European headspace, so I sat ready at 08.00 ready to go. After a short while of no Russell, I learned that Mexico is actually 6 hours behind us. I closed down the laptop, sighed loudly, and returned at 15.00 instead. Success followed.
With the release of EBM only 3 days away, this was the may-pole around which the dance was conducted. Karma Climb and Heart Attack were threaded within the conversation, and I cut them loose so as not to rip anyone off. I have to say, they provide quite a kick when they're played back to back on radio. Andii ended things with the most up to date recording of No Sound but the Wind (officially, that one is version #27 after the many demos, live, full band and solo kazoo/banjo renditions from Tom that have been passing around bootleggers for the last decade). As with the other music on the station, the song was allowed to conclude without any speaking over the top.
One of the biggest reveals here is that the band are planning to come back to Mexico next year. The European tour is first, and then they'll be spreading their wings further. Stay tuned at this site for all the details as they arrive. Enjoy the chatter ;)
brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love ;) x