Friday, 13 May 2022

Tom rehearsing 12th May 2022

Posting this makes me both happy and queasy. There's a little bit of news on Editors, which is great, but it came via TikTok. Sadly I always knew they'd end up using it as a platform, but it's still a bit of a downer. It's not their fault, they're in the business of getting the word out and I'm not in any way bashing them for their choices. It's just that promoting anything to do with TikTok at the Archive makes me feel very uneasy. Ironic, considering I operate in the Google eco-system. Life sure is complicated. 
The video features Tom singing Heart Attack in rehearsals, and you would think that the main talking point of this video would be that and the new song that appears very, very briefly towards the end of this clip. However, there's more going on here. If you pause the video at various points you'll see a whiteboard with song titles to the right of Tom as he sings. So far, I think I've managed to make out 5 or 6 of them in this order:-
Heart Attack 
Racing Rats 
Karma (?) 
Bricks and Mortar 
I'm pretty sure I caught a glimpse of Violence further down too. Heart Attack as a set opener would be a real statement of intent, a definite mood setter for what's to follow. Interesting stuff.
brought to you with lots of lemming-love :) x