Monday, 9 May 2022

NME TV Videography (2009) - Intros Only


Taken from a time when relations between Editors and the NME were still a little fractious, this is 9 minutes of the band giving anecdotes about what was their complete promotional video collection at the time. Obviously all those clips were played in full, but as they're officially released material they won't be appearing here at the Archive. All that remains is the dialogue, and you'd think "How interesting could that be? Watching four grumpy, skinny-legged indie cats talk about their promos?". Your answer awaits.
The picture quality is not the most attractive, but it is compensated for by some of the ridiculous pieces of information the band share. You'll never look at All Sparks the same way again, I guarantee it.

brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love :) x