There's been a real juxstaposition of good and bad in Editors related information recently. During the past 24 hours or so, Elliott has potentially tested positive for covid. It's really bad news, and I genuinely hope he's doing OK. Then just as it became an appealing option to throw out optimism and give in to the ongoing horror of life in a global medical incident, this happened. It's been 32 days of waiting, but there's finally another entry in the
Slow Motion Soundtrack. Tom shared this on Instagram this evening, a
live acoustic rendition of the Smith and Burrows track This Ain't New Jersey. Ironic, that a song which was recorded in the midst of one of the darkest times in Editors history, literally as the band were collapsing in 2011, could become regarded as a christmas classic a decade later and bring a little bit of joy to an equally troubled wider world. Thanks, Mr Smith.
Enjoy the music ;)
MP3 - download here
broought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love x