Wednesday, 22 January 2020

Interview on Antena 3 (Portuguese Audio) October 2019

Thanks Hannah ;)

Recorded around the time of the band's show for 3FM in October 2019, here's an interview from Portugal's Antena 3 Radio. The whole thing is in Portuguese so, as a geographically impaired and predominantly English speaking cat, I can't vouch for what they're talking about. However, Hannah (who provided the audio)  knows people in the know and these are two highlights from the clip:-

Justin on the Black Gold Archive
1 "I've looked a a few of the memories, people have put things there with a lot of meaning. I thought people would go there just to write some swear words, it's good to know that people care. Very good"

Tom on the impending rehearsals for the Black Gold Tout in 2020
2 "We'll see, the rehearsals will be in january, we definitely want to play some songs from the past that we haven't played in a long time. About changing them I don't know, some things develop on the rehearsals. It happened a few times to change the path of the songs, usually with the old songs it's better to leave them as they are, nobody wants a club version of Munich, do they?"

I know there's fans in places like Portugal and Brazil who will really love the band, so this one is especially for you folks. Enjoy ;)

brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love :) x