From the dustiest corners of the Archive, I dug out this short interview with Tom and Chris from New Zealand in late 2009. They were doing promo as part of a single date over there in Gisborne, and it was all about the single Papillon and horrifying use of...ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTS (scream in terror!) on In This Light and on This Evening. Mercifully they flew on to Australia after this for a series of shows so it wasn't one of the legendary Editors flash gigs like they did in days of old, which consisted of maximum travelling and minimum enjoyment playing your music. A sure fire recipe for success and elevated mental health.
You'll see that the video for Papillon keeps cutting in and out abruptly, almost as if it was clumsily removed in a hurry. That was just to ensure that I don't show up on YouTube's copyright radar again, as it's been a busy month for me getting hit by a certain firm beginning with "M" over and over again, so I'm trying to remain low profile. Enjoy the clip ;)
brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love :) x