Monday 29 October 2018

Justin and Russell Interviewed by @B_aldea 26th October 2018

Coming up next is another post courtesy of the band's online forum. Many thanks to you for your finely tuned and always active Editors radar, Hannah ;)

This was filmed last Friday before Editors appearance at BIME Live in Spain, and once again there's a little piece of information that will give hope to a large part of the fanbase that haven't seen the band play live yet. If you've ever seen the comments section on the band's Instagram, Youtube or Facebook accounts then you'll know that one refrain which is heard regularly is something along the lines of "Come to South America!". These cries have historically gotten louder whenever Editors have announced that they'll be in the States. So close. While this isn't any kind of  announcement by the group that they'll definitely be performing there just yet, it's certainly a cause for hope that the first location that came up when asked where they'd like to play in the future was South America. I'm crossing my fingers that somewhere down the line you all get your wishes fulfilled. Enjoy the chatter ;)

brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love :) x