Monday 12 December 2016

Glazen Huis Antwerp 18th December 2010

It feels like an appropriate time to post this one ;)

This was a short acoustic set by the band for Studio Brussel, which kicked off their annual Music for Life appeal in aid of the Red Cross in 2010. It took place on the roof of the studio in Antwerp and if the DJ in the post gig interview is telling us the truth, then nobody had any idea it was going to be Editors performing that night. In addition to playing their music, the band also donated an item of memorabilia to the auction containing platinum discs in a signed photo frame.

The setlist is very, very unusual and you only have to read it to see why. They performed a cover version of the old christmas standard, Let it Snow something that as a band they haven't done since. It's awesome for many reasons; the crowd participation, the dj's swaying along, Mr Lay's enormously huge headgear and the little chuckle Mr Smith lets out after the first verse. There's a quality piece of soloing from Mr Urbanowicz, despite the fact that his fingers were probably heading towards that stage of frostbite that requires an amputation. You'll also notice during the introductions for Let it Snow that an absent King Leetch is apparently "at the bar". Judging by the visible breath and the largeness of the band's jackets and scarves, you suspect he had the right idea. 

If that wasn't enough for you,  there's also another cameo role for Editors' superfan and NSBTW icon, Jason, who's representing those of us who couldn't attend in the front row once more. Good job, sir. 

The band also did a short interview after the music was done, and I've included it here as a bonus video below. There's also some mp3 rips and all the photos from the St Bru website at the time it streamed. Enjoy the music/chat and stay warm out there, kitties ;)

The Setlist
Papillon - stream it here
Someone Says - stream it here
No Sound but the Wind - stream it here
Let It Snow - stream it here

download here or download here

download here or download here

Bonus Materials - Interview
Just after they played their set, the band stopped by with Studio Brussel for a chat, and this whole post can be summed up in a single exchange between the host and Mr Edward Lay:-

Interviewer - "What brings you here, guys?"
Ed - "We just wanted to say Happy Christmas, really."

Ed Lay is a smooth diplomat. Enjoy ;)

brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love :) x