Monday 9 November 2015

Tom at Concerto Records 6th November 2015 (video/audio)

"I can taste tastes good."

What a wonderfully sinister way to start a daytime record store appearance! Here's Mr Smith doing his acoustic thing to a packed crowd at Concerto Records in Amsterdam, on the 6th November 2015. The amount of people in attendance obviously caused the temperature to rise and the air to disappear, as referenced by Tom before the final track The Weight of the World.

Speaking of which, it's fun to hear such an old, old song at the end of the set when we're ankle-deep in all the new material. I suppose there's an inherent danger in becoming nostalgic when all you want to do is live in the present and look forwards. However, as someone who remembers that tune when it was called Every Little Piece of Your Life by a little band called Snowfield, it's always comforting to hear it again. Enjoy the music ;)

stream it here

The Weight - download here
Papillon - download here
Forgiveness - download here
The Weight of the World - download here

brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love :) x