Saturday 17 October 2015

Tom on The Selector 16th October 2015

This has been on the watch list since August, and it finally surfaced yesterday as part of The Selector Radio show.  For the "Tea and Tunes" segment of the programme, Goldierocks chatted with Mr Smith about all things In Dream and a couple of other topics besides.  If you're a fellow Editors interview junkie then you won't find much new material here, although when asked about album 6 Tom seems keen to keep the momentum going and get started sooner rather than later.  If you were a gambler, however, I wouldn't bet the house on that because plans can change very quickly.  Plus, I think I'd rather have a record by the band that was a product of genuine musical inspiration,  rather than being the by-product  of a strict deadline. Enjoy the chat, and if you're at the sold out Leeds gig tonight, enjoy the show ;)

brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love :) x