Tuesday 8 September 2015

Tom on XFM 8th September 2015

A the time this was broadcast, it claimed to feature a "world's first play" Ocean of Night. It had actually leaked courtesy of an enthusiastic American radio station prior to this but was subsequently removed from the web with impressive speed. Not before it was captured, shared and repeatedly listened to among the hardcore fan folks, however ;)

If you've had any experience of Editors' recent plumbing issues, you'll have already heard the track on which La Goswell provides the backing vocals. I wonder if this tweet by Tom back in January was referring to this song specifically, as it would definitely fit in terms of accessibility:-

This was another stop on the no doubt ever-expanding list of promotional duties that Mr Smith and co will be undertaking for the forseeable future.  He gave a telephone interview with Georgie Rogers, discussing Ocean of Night and describing it as :-

"As close to an Editors party song as you're ever going to get".

The ending of it reminds me of There Goes the Fear by Doves, and the way everything just descends into percussion. This was something that you didn't get on the previous version that's been circulating among the faithful. There's also chat about the new album, and it's similarities to the ITLAOTE album in style but not mood. very brief  but worth a listen. What's being shared here is the chat with Tom minus Ocean of Night, in keeping with the policy of not posting commercially available material at the Archive. 

stream it here 

brought to you with lots of lemming-love :) x