Monday, 24 February 2014

CD102.5 The Big Room - January 23rd 2008 (video/audio)

In January of 2008 Tom and Chris did a small, 3 song acoustic set for the alternative station CD102.5 which broadcasts out of Columbus, Ohio USA. Trivia fans will note that at the time they did this show the station was actually still known as CD101.1, and their performance was part of the broadcaster's "Big Room" sessions. There's 3 songs on offer, all of which were shot by a single camera and streamed on the station's website. "Great!", you might think, but every silver lining has a cloud...

Given the reduced dynamic of the visuals here, I can state with some certainty that while you watch it you'll be constantly waiting for new angles and close-ups so you can get better appreciate what's happening. Not going to happen, dear reader. It's worth noting that this was over a decade ago when video streaming was still finding its feet, and the budget probably didn't extend to hiring someone with Kubrick's cinematic eye to capture the event. If you go over to CD102.5's  YouTube profile now and take a look at some of their more recent clips of bands, you'll spot the jump in quality immediately.

Luckily, I also have  a selection of videos posted by KMR0620 on youtube that show the set from the perspective of the audience (thanks a lot to you for sharing). I've included some audio rips, and all of the photos taken of the set that are available on the official CD102.5 website. 

In its favour, I'm not sure you can view this officially released version anywhere else. The photos are still online but the video is long gone, I suspect it got deleted when the station was rebranded. So if you can take it for what is, warts and all, you'll really enjoy the music ;)
CD102.5 Static Cam Footage
AEHAS - stream it here
Bones - stream it here
Smokers - stream it here

KMR0620 Audience Footage
AEHAS - stream it here
Bones - stream it here
Smokers - stream it here

Audio Rips
AEHAS - download here
Bones - download here
Smokers - download here

Official Website Photos

brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love :) x