Wednesday 18 September 2013

A message from your host - September 2013

The course of true (Editors) love never did run smooth........

If you're a regular visitor to The Archive then you are probably aware that rapidshare, which is the hosting site I pay to store and share these wonderful files with you all,  has undergone a major change recently. Gone are the days when you could just click a link here and get a download immediately. Instead, you're taken to a very flash looking page where you have to select the file and then download it from there manually and then you discover that the speeds have dropped. 

I could be wrong but I think that the only way to get around this and get decent download speeds again is for you to register a free account with rapidshare, and then log in whenever you're grabbing files from here. It's a hassle, and goes against absolutely everything that The Archive is supposed to be about; namely a no-strings-attached place for Editors fans to download whatever they want free of charge. So I apologise sincerely for that. It's not ideal, and as much as it may bother you it definitely bothers me more.

To be honest, the idea of re-uploading over 80GB of files (and counting) all over again to a different file sharing service fills me with more than a little bit of apprehension. But even as daunting as that would be, I'd still do it because the band and their fans are worth the effort. Rest assured, I'm looking at my options. 

Normal service will be resumed shortly, thanks for your patience.

drew :)