Thursday 6 June 2013

Francesca Fiorini Interviews Tom and Russell Milan 4th June 2013(audio)

A very, very interesting interview available now from Italian Editors fan Francesca Fiorini. It's available to stream here at the Archive with her kind permission, and also from this site:-

This interview differs from the standard setup in that Francesca is clearly an inquisitor who knows her stuff, rather than a representative of a news outlet who may be totally unfamiliar with the band. Consequently her status as an educated Editors aficionado means she's able to ask the kinds of questions that other fans are interested in.  Two of the major subjects of the day in 2013, namely THAT change to the song Nothing on TWOYL and Chris' departure are touched upon and the answers given are extremely enlightening. I don't want to give anything away here but for any of you who were wondering just why Mr Urbanowicz was asked to leave, this may give you a little clue. I should temper this with the proviso that since it happened we've never actually heard his take on all of this.

Check it out, you'll be glad you did. Thanks again Francesca for the green light, enjoy the chatter ;)

brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love :) x