Wednesday 16 May 2012

Eurosonic 13th Jan 2006 (audio)

"Thank you very much for being so patient with us...erm...that's about all I can say really." - Tom prior to Fingers

The above sentence sums up this festival slot now from January 2006 in the Netherlands very accurately. From listening to this, you'll more than likely experience some strange echoes of another festival show that turned into an ordeal; Lowlands 2005. As with that concert the band found themselves going to war with their instruments while simultaneously having to entertain a crowd, the majority of whom were probably unfamiliar with their work. Consequently there are lengthy gaps between songs and apologies from Tom for a series of perceived infractions, be it an out of tune keyboard on Camera or a complete lack of guitars at the beginning of FYASP. Looking back on this you could say that it's this sort of adversity that really makes a band, and tests their resolve and ability to navigate out of a tough spot. At the time, however, I don't imagine it was anything other than frustrating and stressful. Enjoy the struggle ;)

stream it here

Blood - download here
Find Yourself A Safe Place - download here 
Bullets - download here 
Fall - download here 
You Are Fading - download here 
All Sparks - download here 
Camera - download here 
Munich - download here 
Fingers - download here 

brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love :) x