Sunday 31 December 2023

Hurricane Festival 23rd June 2024


This is the second appearance in 48 hours by Editors as part of their German festival extravaganza, but you'll notice that the Hurricane slot is very different to the one from Southside last Friday. Very, very different. This time around, they are performing for a larger group of people who aren't developing gills due to prolonged exposure to water. Look carefully and you'll see blue skies with a sunshine chaser and a crowd standing and dancing a little bit taller, because they aren't drowning in a sea of rapidly-developing mud. Novelty!

I can't believe I'm saying this for a second time so close to my last utterances, but Editors should have been further up this bill. No really, they should. It had vibes of the time they were inappropriately allocated to the Barn at Werchter. I would suggest that the fact that so many people turned up this early in the day is because they're an educated crowd who know exactly what they were watching. Any concerns that Germany had fallen out of love with Editors were banished today, and if you were there, your support looked amazing. 

Hurricane had the same set list as Southside, which means it's ideal for a comparison and provides a solid case for why a successful gig is all about elements combining. The band fed off the collective energy they were creating from their music, the audience (who remained dry throughout) reciprocated, and the cycle maintained for the next hour. Even after they finished Strawberry Lemonade, you could feel the difference in the way they carried themselves. At that point during Southside, there was a flickering of doubt in their faces about how it was all going to go. It was visibly absent here, even replaced at times by (whisper it) broad smiling.  Hurricane provided Editors with the show they deserved after the estranged rinsing they took a couple of days ago.

Again, the setlist is the same as Friday's, but as I've mentioned already it lands differently because of the synergy involved. Enjoy the music ;)    

Video has been nuked worldwide on Youtube, now available as a download in the Covert Shares section of the Archive.

Strawberry Lemonade - download here
An End Has a Start - download here
Karma Climb - download here
Racing Rats - download here
Picturesque - download here
Killer - download here
A Ton of Love - download here
Munich - download here
Smokers - download here
Papillon - download here

All in a zip - download here

brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love ;) x