Brand new to the Archive, here's an audience recording of Editors when they were experiencing one of the peaks of their early touring adventures. It was graciously donated to the Archive, along with another show from around this time at Roskilde Festival, by JTL. Huge thank you for giving me the green light to share your excellent work here. I really appreciate it.
It's hard to believe that this was almost 20 years ago...but it was. As you would expect, the set is constructed around the Back Room album and it should be viewed as an accurate presentation of who Editors were at that time. Having been there at an early marker of the band's existence, it's so strange to know that the group you hear on stage at the Vega doesn't exist any more. They evolved and changed both musically, and in the arrangement of their personnel. To me, this only makes these older recordings more vital. Anybody who caught the group in their later years needs to hear these shows to get a handle on the processes that led them to places like the Ziggo Dome, or Werchter in front of 80,000 people. It was all being constructed here.
Everything that made them special in 2006 is in these two shows I'm sharing; from road testing new material with Bones and Weight of the World (which wouldn't gain official release for another year), to selecting the Editors Cover Version song on this tour cycle in Road to Nowhere (it was French Disko the year before and R.E.M.'s Orange Crush the year after). Then there's the inclusion of all those classic compositions that we just don't hear any more, including a legendary Elbow-associated b-side (when b-sides used to be a thing).
Overall, it's the sound of focused hunger, of a band knowing that the time they use on stage is nothing more than a facilitator of more time, if all goes well. As I've documented here at the Archive before, the Back Room tour ran them into the ground in the name of future opportunities. Only the four men involved know the personal costs entailed in that, and what the bill was like when it came due, but as a tactic it certainly worked. During most of the songs here, I visualise a band furiously beating the water beneath them to prevent the potential drowning moment that awaits all bands who carelessly relax and slip into irrelevancy. Noise and passion, a beautiful combination that took them far. Enjoy the music ;)
The Setlist
01. Lights - download here
02. Blood - download here
03. Bones - download here
04. All Sparks - download here
05. Fall - download here
06. Bullets - download here
07. Let Your Good Heart Lead You Home - download here
08. Find Yourself - download here
09. Camera - download here
10. You Are Fading - download here
11. Munich - download here
12. Open Your Arms - download here
13. The Weight of the World - download here
14. Someone Says - download here
15. Fingers In The Factories - download here
Taper info file - download here
FFP file - download here
All in a zip - download here
brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love ;)