Monday, 10 October 2022

It's a mess (picturesque) - Hamburg Grosse Freiheit 36 9th October 2022

Another high quality recording from Sven, who has very kindly donated this audio document from his time seeing Editors in Hamburg on the 9th October 2022. What a great job he did on this. Huge thanks to you for sharing your work again, Sven. It's very much appreciated.
This was a show of note, for a couple of reasons. These are the first batch of dates with Ben as a full time member of the group, so we don't have to wonder any more what things will sound like with his added input in a live setting. Not only that, it marked a second return to the fold this month for Justin Lockey. If you're a little confused by that statement, given that he was actually there when this block of the EBM campaign kicked off in Valencia on the first day of October, you'd be right. For a few dates this past week Nic Willes dropped in to act as a guitarist for the band,  before vanishing once more when they hit Hamburg. 
Officially, neither Justin or Editors haven't addressed the situation in any capacity which could mean that there's really nothing to say, or it's just that the involved parties don't want to draw attention to it. That's fine, and everyone is absolutely entitled to their privacy.  Unfortunately, once something like this has aleady been noticed and the word gets around the artificial synapses of the internet, it begins to take on a life of its own. People start reaching their own conclusions, which invariably veer towards something bad having happened. Given Justin's previous forthrightness about his situation in regard to touring with the band there was, and still is, some genuine concern. 
To be clear, this isn't a criticism of the band or a proclamation of some divine entitlement to information based on my status as an Editors fan. I'm owed nothing.  The interest here is one human taking an interest in the well-being of another. My hope is that Justin is OK, and if not is there anything we can do (or not do) to make things better? Nothing more than that.
And so to the show. As I mentioned above, this was one of the early gigs to feature Blanck Mass as an Editor and you can hear him all across the set which translates into more depth having been added to the overall sound.  The band had promised that some of the older songs would be given a makeover, and they seem to have gone about it with a delicate touch, as opposed to simply dismantling and reassembling.  As an example, Sugar has a new intro and some additional electronic finery, while Racing Rats bleeds into Frankenstein which also has more synthetic sounds in the beginning. Even Papillon, which has already been extended and altered by Elliott has a new ending. However, of all the songs that sound markedly different, I think All the Kings is it. You'll understand when you hear it.

I think the new lineup and the sound it produces will give them the confidence to comfortably occupy the spaces offered in the larger venues on this tour, as well as acting as a credible sonic threat to the more intimate engagements.
Lastly, I'm always aware that there are still places in the world that have either not hosted Editors live or are just dying to have them come back at some stage. It's not the same as being there, but I hope this is a fitting substitute. These shows are always posted with you folks in mind. As with everyone, I hope you enjoy the music ;) 

Heart Attack - download here
Strawberry Lemonade - download here
Karma Climb - download here
Picturesque - download here
In This Light and on This Evening - download here
Magazine - download here
All Sparks - download here
Racing Rats - download here
Frankenstein - download here
Nothing (acoustic) - download here
All the Kings - download here
Smokers - download here
Strange Intimacy - download here
An End Has a Start - download here
Munich - download here
Papillon - download here

brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love ;) x