Tuesday, 12 January 2021

4Music Presents Editors July 2007


Right up front, the sound and picture on this are very indicative of two things; the first is that 14 years ago webrips weren't always as grand and good looking as they are now. Also...I was still desperately trying to learn how to correctly do what I ultimately ended up doing as an unpaid second career for this band. Rookie mistakes abound, and I'm sorry about that. My appeal to you, dear listener? The rags that this film wears belies its rare beauty even if, unfortunately, I had a partial hand in adorning it with those meagre garments.

I actually feel like I may have posted the version of Smokers from this somewhere down the line (maybe even on the band's official forum before it was taken offline?), but not the whole show. I couldn't find it when I searched the Archive so I'm adding it now.
Four dudes in their 20s about to confirm everyone's hopes that The Back Room wasn't the sound of a band collecting and releasing all of their best material, before slowly and painfully dropping down the ropes and falling into the abyss of pop obscurity forever thanks to a crap sophomoric effort. This is Tom, Chris, Ed and Russell taking part in a 4Music special program dedicated entirely to Editors. It was hosted by George Lamb and I can't remember the precise date of broadcast but, as the host states, it was before AEHAS came out so that would probably make it early July of 2007. You get some sofa-based chat and four songs; Smokers, AEHAS, The Weight of the World and All Sparks. Watch out for the endearing underlying awkwardness from the start between guest and presenter that never quite goes away. It's not the result of anything explicit, it just seems to hang there surrounding everything.

If you know your Editors history, and I mean really know it, you'll already be aware of the circumstances that fuelled the composition of Well Worn Hand. As it turns out, that song also has a minor libatious side story involving Mr Lay. Enjoy the music ;)

stream it here

brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love :) x