Monday 1 October 2018

Taubertal Festival 10th August 2018 (Highlights)

Summer 2018 may have already become a thing of the past but that doesn't mean that some of its effects can't still be felt. Here's an opportunity to savour another morsel from the recently completed E6 festival mini-campaign, as we travel back to August 10th for Editors at Taubertal. This is only a highlights broadcast that was originally aired on Bayerischer Rundfunk, but truncated as is it there's a great to deal to enjoy. It's professionally shot so the sound and images are wonderful, making easy to appreciate what you're seeing and hearing. I did some snipping and pruning because the show that this was a part of had a little preamble in German from the presenter and also some highlights of another band tagged onto the end. So the way it seems to cut in just after the intro to future single Cold is intentional purely for that reason, but rest easy because you didn't miss anything musical before it. Also, and presumptuously on my part, I removed the other band from the video because I consulted the tea leaves and predicted you'd only want Editors, all day long. If I'm wrong then...well...nah, I'm not wrong am I? 

I will comment that the audience seem a little bit...sedate here, but that doesn't detract from the show at all. By August they were probably so used to the material that they were still able to deliver it without that injection of fear and adrenaline that comes from playing new songs in front of expectant crowds, or the mutual baiting to greater heights that is created in a rabid group of fans and a band reacting to their shared energy. Plus, the high-water mark for performer/listener estrangement will always be Maxidrom 2016 for me. Shudder. 
I think that if your interest in this band has escalated beyond simply listening to the music on a surface level, and chances are if you're here reading this then it has, you start to appreciate things that might otherwise have been missed during a casual encounter with it. Because of the professional mixing here you can pick up the subtlety of the accents on certain instruments or vocals, and the fact that it's been filmed means you get to see and replay tiny gestures that may have happened fast enough to be missed. There's lots to select, but without giving them all away I will say that my own favourites are the breathe-in prior to the vocals beginning in VI OLENCE, getting to appreciate up close how Mr Lockey makes those guitar sounds throughout No Harm and that wonderful feedback just before the Hallelujah Death Riff (c).  Enjoy the music, everyone ;)

The Broadcast Setlist
Hallelujah (So Low)
Darkness at the Door
No Harm
Racing Rats 

brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love :) x