Sunday 15 July 2018

Q2 - Editors Pictionary 14th July 2018

I often imagine what it would be like describing certain things you're seeing to a person who's blind, and finding it completely impossible to do it without it coming across as a weirdo. I think we've arrived at that place. This was so close to being an addition to the Editors oddity series.

Hot summer weather can make people act a little bit nutty. A statement that surely requires some substance, some form of citation that would corroborate the seriousness of such an allegation? Well...

Here's a video whose premise is unbelievably simple; convey the title of an Editors song using only the gift of mime. The clip was shared by Q2 and they titled it "Editors Pictionary", but that's a bit of a misnomer because it's more like a game of charades. They picked some random people attending TW Classic, pointed a camera at them and then just let them emote. 

Oh my goodness.

There's an admirable amount of conviction in these people's demonstrations, but the one that wins everything as far as this viewer is concerned is the lady in black top with the sunglasses (how very appropriate). She's clearly a solo artist and man, can she express herself without words. Every attempt is a bullseye and it's all done with a sense of grace and class. Well, most of the time. Enjoy the bizarre effects of sunshine on festival attendees' minds ;)

stream it here

brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love :) x