Monday 21 May 2018

Russell Interviewed by Boston Rock Talk 11th May 2018

Up next is an interview between Editors' bass-slinging king and Jim Sullivan of Boston Rock/Talk. I want to say upfront that I don't know Mr Sullivan and this isn't specifically a criticism of him as a person, but I do have to comment on the very beginning of the chat which may have been mishandled.

The talk begins with the subject of Scott Hutchison, who if you didn't know had been confirmed as having taken his life the day before this interview after going missing. Scott had connections with Editors in that he and Justin were in a band together recently so admittedly it's topical, certainly, but I still believe that there's a question about its relevance here.

Obviously Scott's situation was deemed to be worth discussing but in my opinion the critical mistake here was that once the door had been opened, it was closed just as quickly in the interests of talking about something "more upbeat". The irony here being that dialogue is something which the subject of mental health, and particularly male attitudes towards acknowledging a problem asking for help, desperately needs. If you make that decision to raise it, and I'm not convinced that this was the right time, then I do believe you have a certain duty to follow it through and really discuss it, rather than moving on to sunnier pastures in the interest of good conversation. From what is said it does seem like Mr Sullivan is a caring soul and completely genuine when offering his condolences, but it feels like a missed opportunity.

Lecture over, enjoy the chatter ;)

stream it here

brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love ;) x