Monday 16 April 2018

Interview with Justin and Elliott on M2 Petőfi TV 16th April 2018

Thanks to a fan called Magdi we now have a translation of what was said in this video, as well as a small collection of photos from the night of the show. Thanks to you for sharing. This was also another joint operation between the Archive and the band's unofficial forum, many thanks to you Hannah for the assistance. Gloomy teamwork in action.

Ahead of their gig in Budapest this evening Mr Williams and Mr Lockey were interviewed for M2 Petőfi TV, which is great! However, their interview was overdubbed into the native language of the country it was broadcast in. Which is kind of a downer. I know what you're thinking; this was put together for folks in Hungary so why hell am I complaining? You have a point (but your attitude stinks, mister!).

Luckily for us, one of our people got in touch this morning and they've very kindly provided a translation of what the very loud guy talking over the top of Justin and Elliott is saying. Many thanks to you for the help, this post really has all been about collaboration ;)

The video is posted first and the transcript of the clip is directly below it. 

Introduction:Editors, one of the most important bands of British indie music has returned from Birmingham to Budapest after more than two years.

The members of the band formed in 2005 knew each other on a music technology course at Staffordshire University. They were influenced by Interpol, Franz Ferdinand, Kitchens Of Distinction, Cameleons and also by U2. In their dark disco tunes there are guitar oriented rock music effects, new wave sounds and catchy guitar riffs.

Reporter:So VI OLENCE is already the third album with the so-called second lineup of The Editors, and how was this written and recorded compared with The Weight of Your Love and everything that's come before some members?

Justin:This is the third album with me and Elliott on board. It was...on the last record, In Dream we took ourselves away to wilderness in Northern Scotland to do it and self-produced it. But this one, we wanted to be a bit more was quite an easy process really. A big studio just outside of a town called Oxford in the UK and then spent 6 months just messing around.

Elliott:Yeah it was mostly us throwing ideas together and getting songs together, we worked with two producers; a guy called Blanck Mass who's an electronic producer and a guy called Leo Abrahams who's more a traditional sort of producer we used to fuse the elements of electronic and the more "band elements" together and we managed to find the best balance we've ever had on a record...

Reporter:Blanck did the collaboration with him come about?

Justin:In reality I just phoned him up and said "Do you want to work on some songs?", and he said "Yeah, alright.". Then I sent them to him, and then he worked on them and sent them back.


Elliott:We didn't meet him or get in a room with him so it was quite a different way of working. He sort of feels it's very modern.



Elliott:Virtual, yeah. It's like a virtual relationship.

Reporter:You didn't miss just looking in the eye, having a beer and so on?

Justin: Most of the album was prepared already and the rest were interpretations, I did meet him afterwards at an after party for Mogwai and he was really really drunk and his wife noticed me and said he works with bands, you just made a record with him. It was brilliant.

Reporter: Nice, so he was nice, except the fact that he was drunk.

Justin: Yes, he was really very drunk. But it was Christmas, so, what to do.

Reporter: Violence, I think it's a quite a telling word, why did you choose this one? You chose it?

Elliott:Yeah...I mean, when we were discussing names for the album and we had the track Violence and it sort of...we just kept going back to it I guess and it was like a nice little bit of synergy with the VI being the Roman numerals for 6.  And Tom was thinking about that with thel yrics and the fact how we kind of digest things at the moment, The record is very much about coming together and shutting off the outside world I guess and the 24 hour news...daily life that you're bombarded with looking at the phone and things like that and so it's very appropriate for the time. That might seem like a political statement but..

Reporter:Is it like Tom really said that it's kind of about connection, human connection and "I need to connect” in spite of all that stuff you told, can we say that this is a concept album, not a political one but still?

Justin:I wouldn't say that it's a concept album, the aim was not to prepare a concept album, I would rather say that after we had all the lyrics and songs ready, the songs came to life that way, once we had finished them and put them into a sequence.

Reporter:So more of an electric effort do you agree with like someone said it's kind of a follow-up to your 2009 album, In This Light And On This Evening?

Elliott:I think there have always been electronic elements, this band was always heavily electronic based, but this is the first time when we could find the perfect balance between the electronic and the other elements. But even„In Dream” was a certain follow-up...

Justin:A minimal follow-up...

Elliot:Yes, a minimal follow-up, but still.”The Weight Of Your Love” was very much of a band getting together and become a proper band, that's how the recording was done, and that's the reason that album sounds different from the others, sort of a little stange element in our discography.

Reporter:It is a very balanced one, isn't it?

Justin:Ah, this album? Yeah it's really well balanced. It's like Elliott said it's trying to get as much of each world that Editors represent; a perfect balance of heavy rock elements and masses of electronic dance music. It's really hard to get that but luckily we have people working with us that are really good at doing it so...

Reporter:Boys, thank you so much for the interview, we are looking forward to the evening.
Bonus Material - Magdi's Photos
download here

brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love :) x