Thursday 10 September 2015

ITLAOTE Web Promo 2009 clip

I remember ripping this from the band's official website prior to ITLAOTE coming out, and the name of the file was so perfect that I didn't bother doing my usual renaming:-

"skyline final coming soon"

That pretty much sums up this little promotional clip, but what it doesn't convey is the closed-in and slightly askew feeling that it conjures up.  The video is deliberately patchy and glitchy footage of the banks of the Thames in London, where the London Eye becomes the "O" in the band's name as we pan right.  Glitches were a prominent feature of the ITLAOTE campaign, as well as a countdown clock that appeared on the official website but I'll talk more about that in a later post.

The soundtrack is a take on the ITLAOTE album title track, but with a weird twist. You can hear all these breathing sounds and odd noises in the background, and it finishes with the morse code that you hear towards the end of the studio track but isolated and playing on its own.  This was as far from the good time, get-the-funk-out and play a song with bored looking models version of Editors that you could ever have hoped for. They would, of course, return to doing the back stroke in dark pop oceans with TWOYL and In Dream after this but at the time it felt like they'd discovered a new shade of black. Having not heard the finished album, watching this was the moment where most of us thought "What the hell is this record going to actually sound like?". As it happens, this is a perfect visual representation in miniature of that sound, and the creepily sinister mood it evoked. Enjoy ;)

brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love :) x