Friday 7 November 2014

Play to Stop 19th September 2009 MTV Highlights Video

Throughout their history, Editors have used their profile as a platform for good causes. They've done multiple benefits for Oxfam, as well as Burma Relief and the recent Forever Manchester appeal. This show in Budapest on the 19th September was in aid of raising public awareness of climate change, and specifically of bringing it to the attention of younger people. It saw Editors in the company of some pretty heavy hitters at the time in terms of popularity, with both Moby and Backstreet Boys (screeeeeeam!!!) taking part in the event.

Unfortunately MTV were a bunch of girl's blouses when they broadcast these highlights, and have removed the Tom Swears line in ERM=BD, replacing it with the segment played backwards and thus ruining the flow and intent of the song. Great job. Thank goodness we didn't hear that "bad word", as we wouldn't want our fragile brains to get fucked. Also the entire set wasn't broadcast, something which I can verify from the video clip below of the crowd watching the show where you can clearly hear the title track from E3 being played.
Musically, this is an important show for me because it contains Walk the Fleet Road.  It sounds fantastic live, and if you've forgotten just how good it is then this will jog your memory. Sometimes Editors do their best work when they put the brakes on, slow things down and let everything breathe a little. There's been at least one instance on each of their successive albums where this has happened:-

The Back Room - Camera/Distance
An End Has a Start - The Weight of the World
In This Light and On This Evening - Walk the Fleet Road 
The Weight of Your Love - The Phone Book
In Dream - The Law/Salvation
VI OLENCE - No Sound but the Wind

The way that Walk the Fleet Road sounds at this show in Budapest is spine-tingling. It's beautiful. The whole band seem locked in, with Ed swapping out the sticks for beaters and Russell abandoning the bass for keys. A Rickenbacker in the right hands is a magical thing, something Chris has proved consistently over the years. The price paid for such affecting music, however, was that his style of playing was probably a major contributor to his arthritis, which is terrible. As well as a change of sounds an styles, ITLAOTE was also the first album that Tom took an opportunity to push the range of his vocal abilities with the falsetto. Not only on WTFLR, but also You Don't Know Love.

The weird thing about E3 is that I always associate it with feeling cold, and WTFR sums that feeling up perfectly. It's the same with Like Treasure, where the synth lines that underpin the song produce a chilling effect that I can't explain and am happy to not explore further. Sometimes it's better to just let the music hit you and accept your reaction to it, leaving the analysis for a much later date.
It's strange seeing Papillon played as a straight ahead track without all the live bells and whistles, and in the confines of a reduced sized stage. 2009 was the year that the track first hit the public consciousness, and so there's none of the sonic expansions that Mr Williams brought when he joined. They were still getting used to playing it and as a result there's no crowd-baiting from Tom before the first chorus, King Leetch plays it calm and cool in stead of windmilling around the stage, you will not be told to "raise your hands right now" etc's a shock to the system if you've become conditioned to seeing and hearing certain things through repeat viewings of later live material. If you go and compare this take to the one at Lowlands 2017, for example,  then you'll see how far it's come. 

What I love most about Papillon is that it's a song Chris had a hand in, and it's still one of the most popular with audiences, in a similar way that ERM=BD is. Even though he's no longer present, there's still some of his creative influence carrying on with the band, acting as small but extremely significant reminders of his place in Editors' history when you hear them. Realistically there may come a time in the future where the band are playing sets of material entirely taken from the albums post ITLAOTE, so I always take the time to enjoy the oldies when I hear them now. I respect the new line up, which i know is capable of doing amazing things, but I still miss the guy.

What you're getting here is the entire MTV highlights show that was posted online as separate clips, but which I've combined into one video for a smoother viewing experience. I've also included the ident/promo shot by the band, and an interview discussing their views on climate change. There's an oddity in the form of some footage that was made specifically for media outlets, which shows a very static looking audience watching the show but during which you can hear ITLAOTE being played. If that isn't enough to pique your interest, there's also footage from the press conference which saw Mr Lay keeping a cool head and a calm demeanour in the face of provocation from a source very close to home. Enjoy the music ;)

The Setlist
1. An End Has a Start
2. Bullets
4. Papillon
5. Racing Rats
6. Walk the Fleet Road
7. Munich 

stream it here

Bonus Materials

Crowd shots for media outlets
Another one for the hardcore among you. This is a collection of specially shot media footage of Editors performing at Play to Stop in September 2009. It was a concert designed to give a public forum to the problems of climate change, and to raise awareness particularly in young folks. This video was made for any news outlets that were covering the event, and give you a short burst of ITLAOTE as we focus on the crowd at the beginning. It's relevant because that song wasn't actually included in the MTV highlights broadcast that aired after the event. 

stream it here
Interview with the band
Well here's something you don't see every day; all four of the original members of Editors being interviewed as a group rather than seperately or in pairs. Normally there's a "divide and conquer" approach of splitting personnel for the media duties up so that a greater number of  outlets are given time with them, but it's rare we see everyone in the same space chatting. 

stream it here
This was the ident video for the show, featuring a short speech from Chris about climate change and the importance of taking action.

stream it here

Press Conference
I've saved the best until last. There's a scandalous rumour surrounding this clip, from Editors' appearance at the "Play to Stop" event in Budapest during 2009. On the surface it looks like Mr Lay is acting as a spokesperson for the band, discussing all things climate change, while the other members of the group sit quietly listening. Things, however, may not be as they seem.

Throughout the time Ed is actually speaking, the man to his left is doing his utmost to throw him off.  How is he doing this? This is where the rumour emerges....

Russell is randomly squeezing Ed's leg in an effort to make him laugh.  

The source I have for this information is pretty solid, and if you observe King Leetch's face during the clip it would seem to suggest he's up to no good. Also, the man with the bass has demonstrated since that he's still capable of doing this kind of thing. I've said it before that Russell is, in my opinion, Editors' sense of humour. If what I heard about this press conference at the time is true, then it makes the case even more solid. For shame, King Leetch!

stream it here

brought to you with lots of lemming-love :) x