Sunday, 24 November 2013

Hot Press Interview 20th November 2013 (video)

Filmed backstage at Dublin's Olympia Theatre by Hot Press, here's an opportunity to spend 17 minutes in the company of Mr Smith as he talks about all things Editors, and lots more besides. If you want some related trivia, especially given his views on Twitter, it was less than three years after this interview during March 2016 that Tom officially removed himself from that platform. Not surprising, given the obvious value that he places upon his private life, and the fatigue that no doubt comes from people having a semi-direct line to you at all times. Sometimes to tell you you're great, other times to berate you for not having toured in (insert country name here). It's also telling that he mentions that it was the "powers that be (probably the label)" which got him onto it initially, suggesting it wasn't something he exactly went running towards of his own volition. I know he uses Instagram now, along with all the other Editors, but that's more of a one-sided thing where he just posts and minimises his replies which is definitely better for your mental wellbeing, given the abundance of weird cats out here online. 

There's even more trivia, if you want it, in that Elliott also used March 2016 to complete wipe his Instagram account and start over. There must have been something in the air that month.

Enjoy the chatter ;)

brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love :) x