Saturday, 3 August 2013

Dermot O'Leary Saturday Sessions 3rd August 2013 (audio)

Three out of five Editors appeared on Dermot's BBC Radio 2 show on the 3rd of August 2013. There's some chat with Elliott, Tom and Russell and acoustic performances of Formaldehyde and Smokers to check out. This was only 2 months removed from the release of The Weight of Your Love, and as such all the talk is centred around that record and the formation of Editors Mk2. The combination of these three particular  members of the band for a session is quite rare, and it gives the two songs performed a different flavour than you would usually get. Smokers, for example, has vocal harmonies in places courtesy of Elliott (see the "How can we..." lyric at the beginning of the second verse). Good stuff.

There's a reference to Ed singing karaoke in Nashville, where he gamely took the battle of interpreting Piano Man by Billy Joel to a bar room full customers. Spoiler alert: he won, and with style. If you want to see it for yourself, it's part of the Nashville videos which are also available at the Archive using this link. Also, if you'd like to watch the show they mention where they played with other people's equipment thanks to an airline snafu, use this link.  Enjoy the music ;)
Formaldehyde - download here
Smokers - download here

brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love :) x