Thursday 28 March 2013

Something Glorious - Interview 16th April 2006 (audio/text)

Here's a 21 minute interview with Tom that took place in the backstage area of the Chicago Metro, on the night of Editors' show there, 16th April 2006. There's a lot of detail on offer here, primarily due to the amount of time given to the interviewer. I'm not sure that this would be able to happen nowadays, with the increasing amount of demands being made on the band's time due to Editors having a higher profile. I checked as I put this together and the Something Glorious website seems to have been abandoned since this chat happened Another dry, parched area of internet real-estate succumbing to the advancing fires of time that scorch everything in its line of travel. We all burn eventually. 

There are so many wonderful little echoes in this exchange that resonate even louder with the increasing amount of time that's passed. Michael Stipe being spotted by the sound crew walking past the venue of a show they played Athens Georgia, for example and what a big deal that was. Two years later, Editors would not only have recorded Orange Crush by R.E.M. but they would also support them on tour, and get to play that very track live onstage with its original authors. There's also a reference to the difficulty in playing Orange Crush because of it's backing vocal line:-

"...the other 3 members of the band haven't had their singing shoes on yet..."

This situation changed pretty quickly a year later when Smokers was recorded and at least two of those reluctant crooners got on board.

In putting this together for sharing I found that I winced, contracting my face into the same uncomfortable expression I did when I first heard one of the questions posed here. The interviewer asks how Tom feels about critics saying things like "One Interpol is enough, we don't need another".


There's also an inevitable Joy Division question which is a little confusing, and is summarily dimissed by Tom. All in all this is the sound of a young man on the verge of turning 25, sitting in Chicago about to play his music for a room full of people, still at the beginning of his trek which would ultimately lead to this day. Enjoy the memories, and listen out for the sound of Russell taking part in a separate interview somewhere nearby at around the 18 minute mark. That laugh is unmistakeable.

stream it here

brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love :) x