I'm pretty sure this is Chris' first appearance in the media since the split with the band, a podcast with Mike and Geoff at Worst Gig Ever. Many thanks to Mike for the green-light to post this recording here. Much appreciated, sir :)
It's inevitable that everything Editors or Chris do at the moment will be scrutinized for stuff about "the split", but if that's what you're expecting here then you'll be disappointed. It is very entertaining, however. I think this is the longest interview-style thing that Chris has ever done and he's a lot of fun to listen to, with some great stories. If you've ever listened to Joe Rogan's podcast or the Kevin Smith Smodcast then you'll know the kind of format that this follows. It's essentially us as listeners getting to eavesdrop on a long conversation, which can start on one topic and end up somewhere entirely different. The interview took place in an apartment in Brooklyn, New York on July the 20th, and highlights include:-
- Crappy early gigs
- What "PFB" stands for on the minibus they used to tour in
- Worst festival show
- Rolling up the sleeves on t-shirts
- Munich the cat, and it's sneaky urination
- Press days
- Wrestling
- The grind of playing live
- Showering on tour
So as I said earlier the split isn't touched on at all, which is fair enough (although as a curious soul it's frustrating as hell!). It's just nice to hear that Chris is OK in the world, that he's doing alright after being asked to leave the band. Apparently there's no plans pending, but there are possibilities. Let's hope he finds happiness in whatever he decides to do next.
brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love :) x